Veerammal Educational Trust


Best Gift You Can Ever Give


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Give the gift of knowledge and future with our scholarship packages.

Child education is a multifaceted process that focuses on nurturing children’s growth, knowledge, and skills for a successful future. It encompasses early childhood education, primary and secondary schooling, and beyond. The curriculum and teaching methods play a vital role in engaging children and facilitating their learning. Recognizing individual differences and providing personalized learning experiences is crucial. Parental involvement is essential for supporting children’s education. Play-based learning fosters creativity and problem-solving abilities. Educational technology enhances interactive learning experiences. Child education aims to develop well-rounded individuals with social skills, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and ethical values, preparing them for a dynamic world.
Child health encompasses the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of children, playing a vital role in their overall development and quality of life. It involves ensuring that children receive proper nutrition, regular healthcare check-ups, and vaccinations to prevent diseases. Adequate access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene practices are essential for maintaining good health. Mental and emotional health support, including a safe and nurturing environment, opportunities for play and social interaction, and addressing emotional needs, contribute to a child’s overall well-being. Promoting healthy lifestyles, such as regular physical activity and balanced diets, is crucial. Additionally, addressing social determinants of health, such as poverty and inequality, is vital for improving child health outcomes. By prioritizing child health, we lay the foundation for a healthier and brighter future for children, enabling them to reach their full potential.
Child empowerment is a transformative process that focuses on equipping children with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take control of their lives and become active participants in their communities. It involves recognizing and promoting children’s rights, fostering their self-esteem, and encouraging their active involvement in decision-making processes that affect them. Empowered children are provided with opportunities to express their opinions, have their voices heard, and contribute to shaping their own lives and the world around them. This includes creating safe and inclusive spaces where children can freely express themselves, encouraging their curiosity and creativity, and promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Through child empowerment, we nurture a generation of resilient, compassionate, and empowered individuals who have the agency and capacity to bring about positive change in their own lives and society as a whole.


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Social Work

Upcoming Events

25th October

Visiting Cape Town

Sign up to spend your day with orphaned kids. This will mean the whole world to them.

27th October


Handmade figures from African children. All funds will go into rebuilding school after the flood.

27th October

Charity Dinner

We’ve invited best chefs from Europe. All funds will go into African Children Health Care Program.


We are charitable trust in active collaburation with SKB Vidhyashram group of Schools – Chennai under dynamic leadership of Mrs.Dr.Manjupriya Marisamy the Director of SKB Vidhyashram Group of Institution. The Leadership comprises a group of enterprising people who have considerable experience in education, management, social service & are recognised for professional development initives for teachers, womens special need children & self help groups.

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